Thursday, April 5, 2012

RCL #12

"Thing Called Love... Really?"

Samsung commercial usually makes fun of Apple and their fan boys which happened since their release of the new Smartphone series of Galaxy S. This 90-second ad that aired during the Super Bowl game last February is about Samsung’s new Galaxy Note, mocking, yet again, the iPhone.

The basic point is similar from its past commercials. We are better. The phrase they use in this commercial directly addressed their point at the end: “No more waiting, The next big thing is already here.”

The commercial starts with people all over the states, waiting for a new Apple product to be released. They should be excited about a new product, but if you see their attitude and faced, it is easily noticeable that they are not. They are bored for waiting so long.

That is when the "hero" comes along to save the day. A guy in line sees someone with a new electric device and gets interested, noticing its cool functions. Now, the camera takes close ups of the gadget with the man doing his thing.

“Wait it has a pen? This is awesome,” says one of the characters as he starts drawing on the Galaxy Note. With the man talking about the pen, one can see this in one of the aspects that Samsung wishes to show the audience. A young woman next to him in line looks on impressed mumbling, “I don’t know what I believe in anymore” because, it's implied, she feels betrayed by Apple.

And suddenly,

“Freedom!” one shouts after he joins others fleeing a long line of bored hipsters tired of waiting in line. Busted out with song and dance and this is followed by a marching band, a hot girl singing “I want to kiss you every minute, every hour, every day,” Justin Hawkins, lead singer of The Darkness, appears out of thin air to sing the 2003 hit song “I Believe in a Thing Called Love.” Random celebrities, like Victoria’s Secret model Miranda Kerr, Chicago Bears defensive player Brian Urlacher and professional skateboarder Paul Rodriguez (P-Rod), appear briefly and out of place throughout the clip and lastly a guy shot of a canon to convey excitement for Samsung’s new device.

That is probably what the ad is trying to send to the audience: that this device will free you from the boredom of waiting and actually give you more.

My reaction after I saw this commercial was “What just happened…?” It was really entertaining but I don’t think Samsung did good job bringing the subject looked more interesting and make people want to buy it. It was just bunch of thing going on at the same time and didn’t really talk about the product that much. Everything was just, well, everywhere. Only thing they talked about in commercial is the new galaxy note has a pen.

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